Receive Date: 2025/02/11
Accept Date: 2025/02/11
One of the topics discussed in parapsychology is near-death experience. In today's materialistic world, the importance of this issue cannot be ignored. After centuries of denial of metaphysics, now the attention of scientists has been drawn to an event which can be a proof of the existence of metaphysics. While examining the various aspects of near-death experiences and evaluating the viewpoints of supporters and opponents, the present research seeks to see if, based on the experimental method accepted by empiricists, it is possible to consider near-death experiences as seeing the world beyond this world. Can we come to the conclusion that man has an immaterial dimension called the soul? Are these experiences just a passing illusion? In our opinion, near-death experiences can only indicate the existence of life after death, but the features and details available through these experiences have flaws that make it difficult to accept them.
چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
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Cite this article:
kasiri, Mansor, , Mohammad hosein.(2025) The Role and Position of Near-Death Experiences in Proving the Existence of the Soul. Marifat, 31(5), 59-70
Mansor kasiri; Mohammad hosein ."The Role and Position of Near-Death Experiences in Proving the Existence of the Soul". Marifat, 31, 5, 2025, 59-70
kasiri, M, , M.(2025) 'The Role and Position of Near-Death Experiences in Proving the Existence of the Soul', Marifat, 31(5), pp. 59-70
kasiri, M, , M. The Role and Position of Near-Death Experiences in Proving the Existence of the Soul. Marifat, 2025; 31(5): 59-70