Marifat, Volume 31, Issue 6, No 297, Year 2025 , Pages 79-90

    Reviewing the Relationship between Mind and Body in Descartes' Interpretation and Philosophy of Mind

    Article Type: 
    ✍️ Mohammad Javad / MA in philosophy, the IKI /
    Mahmoud NamaziEsfahani / Assistant Professor of Philosophy, the IKI /
    Abstract The mind-body relationship is one of the most important issues that has always been the focus of research throughout the history of philosophy. However, this issue has not always been the same and has been associated with different interpretations. The purpose of this analytical-comparative study is to compare two significant interpretations of this issue: Descartes' interpretation and the common interpretation of the philosophy of mind. Hence, we have first presented a brief explanation of the mind-body relationship and then discussed Descartes' philosophy and illustrated the features of his interpretation as much as possible. Next we have evaluated the common interpretation of this issue in the philosophy of mind and at the same time we have highlighted as much as possible some key differences between Descartes’s philosophical method and analytical philosophers. Finally, we have done a comparative study of the two approaches and interpretations, and while explaining the differences between them, we have pointed out the effects these differences have on how to answer the mind-body problem.
    چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
    Title :بازاندیشی نسبت مسئله ذهن ـ بدن در تقریر دکارت و فلسفه‌ی ذهن
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    , Mohammad Javad, NamaziEsfahani, Mahmoud.(2025) Reviewing the Relationship between Mind and Body in Descartes' Interpretation and Philosophy of Mind. Marifat, 31(6), 79-90


    Mohammad Javad ; Mahmoud NamaziEsfahani."Reviewing the Relationship between Mind and Body in Descartes' Interpretation and Philosophy of Mind". Marifat, 31, 6, 2025, 79-90


    , M, NamaziEsfahani, M.(2025) 'Reviewing the Relationship between Mind and Body in Descartes' Interpretation and Philosophy of Mind', Marifat, 31(6), pp. 79-90


    , M, NamaziEsfahani, M. Reviewing the Relationship between Mind and Body in Descartes' Interpretation and Philosophy of Mind. Marifat, 2025; 31(6): 79-90