Receive Date: 2025/03/13
Accept Date: 2025/03/13
The age of Internet and cyberspace is progressing and expanding at an uncontrollable speed. All regions of the world are definitely dealing with the Internet, and life without internet will be full of problems. Internet has also created issues and problems for the valuable institution of the family. One of these issues is online cheating, which leads to secret relationships of one or both spouses outside of marriage with another person through the Internet and virtual space. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating online cheating and its effects on the family institution. According to the purpose of the research, descriptive method is used. The research results showed that online cheating causes a decrease in intimacy and leads to coldness in couples' relationships, as well as emotional divorce, distrust and cynicism between couples. Competent authorities should regard it necessary to take measures for treating and preventing this problem.
چکیده و کلیدواژه فارسی (Persian)
Title :بررسی مفهوم خیانت اینترنتی و تأثیرات آن بر نهاد خانواده
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shakiba, Mohammad reza, Esmaeil Pour, Heydar.(2025) Examining the Concept of Online Cheating and its Effects on the Family Institution. Marifat, 32(5), 43-51
Mohammad reza shakiba; Heydar Esmaeil Pour."Examining the Concept of Online Cheating and its Effects on the Family Institution". Marifat, 32, 5, 2025, 43-51
shakiba, M, Esmaeil Pour, H.(2025) 'Examining the Concept of Online Cheating and its Effects on the Family Institution', Marifat, 32(5), pp. 43-51
shakiba, M, Esmaeil Pour, H. Examining the Concept of Online Cheating and its Effects on the Family Institution. Marifat, 2025; 32(5): 43-51