Article data in English (انگلیسی)
Forgiveness, kindness and Keeping Relationships with
Blood Relatives (Silat al-Rahim)
Ayatollah Allameh Mohammad Taghi Mesbah
Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (a.s.) in continuation of his sermon, introduces five other signs of the righteous Shi'a, "He forgives him who is unjust to him, and he gives to him who deprives him. He behaves well with him who behaves ill with him. His virtues are ever near, his utterance is honest, his deeds are good, his good is ahead, his evils are non-existent and deception has turned from him" (Nahjul Balagha, sermons No. 194). This article is Allameh Mesbah's explanation of Amir al-Mu'minin (a.s.)'s words, which explains the indicators and examples of these signs in detail.
Keywords: Shi'a, kindness, keeping relationships with blood relatives, enjoining good and forbidding wrong.
Ayatollah Misbah's Achievements in analyzing the Types of Desire, Whatness and the Types of Desires' Disturbance with Reference to the Quranic Verses
Omid Ali Aghaee / M.A. in Interpretation and Quranic Sciences IKI omd110@gmail.com
Mohammad Nagibzadeh / Assistant Professor IKI mn@qabas.net
Received: 2018/09/17 - Accepted: 2019/02/25
Using a descriptive-analytical method, this paper seeks to analyze the achievements of Ayatollah Misbah in analyzing the types of desire, whatness and the types of desires' disturbance with reference to the Quranic verses. The ultimate goal of the creation and the world is the perfection of human beings. And of course, the whatness of the human perfection and its realization is one of the most important issues of anthropology. The man's achievement of perfection, given that human being has a diverse and conflicting desires, depends on his practical and conscious domination over desires, which itself cannot be realized except in the light of the recognition of their various desires and forms of disturbance. Developing the cognition on the horizons of desires, this paper introduces the divisions of "desires" in its various faces and then provides a defensible image of desire's disturbance, and in the end, as the ultimate research achievement, presents "the types of disturbance of desires" with further expansion than is found in the same works. In each discussion and section, to the extent possible, several verses from the Holy Quran have been cited. The divisions of desires and the nature of the disturbance of desires are often taken from the works of Ayatollah Mesbah, and the divisions of desire disturbance are also inspired by one of the divisions of desires that he has presented.
Keywords: types of desire, desire disturbance, desire management.
The Pathology of the Prior knowledge's Effects
on the Interpretation of the Quran
Ali Awsat Bagheri / Assistant Professor, IKI bagheri@qabas.net
Received: 2018/07/29 - Accepted: 2019/02/08
One of the issues that may be harmful to the Quranic interpretation process is the prior knowledge of the interpreter. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this paper seeks to show these damages through its examples in the interpretations. Imposing ideas on the Qur'an is one of these damages. The adaptation of Gabriel to the active intellect, Michael to the spirit of the sixth sphere, Israfil to the fourth sphere, Azrael to the seventh sphere, and the adaptation of seas in "He merged the two seas, meeting each other" (55: 19), to the corporeal matter and the abstract soul are among the examples of these damages in the mystical commentaries. Incorrect understanding due to prior knowledge is another harm that has suffered some of these interpretations. Sayyed Ahmad Khan's commentary on the related verses to the miraculous passage of Prophet Moses (a.s.) and his followers from the Nile and the drowning of the Pharaoh is an example of this kind of interpretation. Predicting the verses, whose appearance refers to the embodiment of the deeds, to the observance of the punishment of deeds or the Scroll of the deeds on the Judgment Day is an example of the unjust prediction of the verses, due to the prior knowledge. Some have claimed that there is a correlation between the previous knowledge and the Quranic teachings.
Keywords: the prior knowledge of the interpreter, imposing on the Quran, illogical esoteric interpretations, Ibn Arabi, Sayyed Ahmad Khan, Seyyed Jamaleddin Asad Abadi, the world of Command.
The Language of the Quran and its Characteristics from the
Viewpoint of Allamah Mesbah
Mohammad Reza Amin / Assistant Professor, IKI mr.amin451@yahoo.com
Received: 2018/12/10 - Accepted: 2019/04/14
There are different opinions about the language of the Quran and its characteristics, as one of the examples of the language of religion. Some authors find this language meaningless, unreal, mythical, allegorical, and so on; some others consider the language of the Quran, only in some verses, the language of a certain custom. These opinions are sometimes different, and in some cases contradictory to each other. This paper seeks to explain Allamah Mesbah's viewpoint about the Quranic language. According to his works, the language of the Quran in their view, in general, is the same as mores; the common language of the wise people, and of course there are some differences. In this language, as the common language of the wise people, a variety of literary techniques such as metaphor, figurative expression and proverb have been used so that the language of the Quran is always at the height of eloquence and rhetoric and this is a remarkable aspect of the miracle of the Quran. On the other hand, there are other opinions about the language of the Quran, which consider it as allegorical, mythical, and so on. Of course, in the opinion of the professor, the language of the Quran has some characteristics that distinguish it from the ordinary human language. Universality, in terms of verisimilitude, the real foundation, lack of condemned expediency, and being multi-layered (having hidden meaning) are among them.
Keywords: Quranic language, Quranic news, Quranic verses, the common language of the wise people, Allameh Mesbah.
Conceptual Analysis of Explanatory Narrations in the Light of the Ideas
of Allamah Tabataba'i and Ayatollah Ma'refat
Mahdi Kamani Najafabadi / PhD in Comparative Interpretation, University of Science and Education of Holy Quran
Received: 2018/08/29 - Accepted: 2019/03/16 Mahdi.kamani@gmail.com
Explanatory narrations have allocated a considerable amount of Imamiyya's interpretative narrations to themselves. These narrations have been less widely criticized in the past due to conceptual difficulties and the complex relationship with the appearance of verses. But in contemporary times we witness theoretical efforts by Allameh Tabataba'i through the theory of jary (applicability) and Ayatollah Ma'refat through the theory of "batn" (hidden meaning). Permissibility of developing the referent of the motion or the possibility of adapting the concepts of the verses to the hidden and latent referent of the motion is the extract of Allamah's theory, and equivalence of the non-manifested layer with general concepts and away from the non-specific attributes of the purpose of the verses is the extract of the theory of Ayatollah Ma'refat. However, some types of narrations cannot be analyzed and justified by these views and solving them requires new theories in the field of the methodology of the interpretation of the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.). Using a descriptive-analytical method this paper is conducted.
Keywords: explanatory narrations, the typology of narrations, analysis of narrations, applicability and comparison, hidden meaning.
Methods of the Esoteric Interpretation of the Holy Quran
Hussain Mozaffari / Assistant Professor, IKI mozaffari48@yahoo.com
Received: 2018/10/08 - Accepted: 2019/02/12
Analyzing the mystical interpretation methods is the subject of this paper, and its purpose is helping the seekers of knowledge to understand the hidden meanings of the Holy Quran. The question is that, how can people achieve a deeper understanding of the Quran? The concise answer is that, there are two general methods, which includes the general-technical and the special-inspirational one. The first method is based on the appearances and attention to the attached and separate indications in the verses, which is applicable to all. But the second method is dedicated to the advocates of mysticism and intuition. Using a descriptive-analytical method, while describing each of these two methods appropriately, this paper, as an example, analyzes some of the sayings of the gnostic in this respect. Several Quranic evidences show that the Holy Quran recognizes both of these two methods.
Keywords: the esoteric interpretation, the Holy Quran, technical, inspiration, general, special.
The Factors Affecting on Human Will and its Strengthening in Order to Perform Righteous Acts from the Viewpoint of the Quran
Hamid Arian / Associate Professor, IKI Aryan@Qabas.net
Mohammad Ali Jahanpanah / M.A. in Interpretation and Quranic Sciences, IKI ma.jahanpanah@gmail.com
Received: 2018/09/13 - Accepted: 2019/01/22
The human will is the last part of the adequate cause for issuing a volitional action from him, and it can be strengthened in two positive or negative ethical directions. The orientation of the will and issuing a good or bad action from a person depends on the factors that affect the will. Using a descriptive-analytical method, this paper analyzes the factors affecting on human will and strengthening it in order to perform righteous acts from the viewpoint of the Quran. The findings show that, from the point of view of the Quran, several factors strengthen the will of the human being to perform good deeds, which, the most important ones are, knowing the obvious proof, the desire for happiness, affection and love of God, warning and paying attention to the consequences of the actions, being patience in misfortunes, being influenced by those, who have a strong will. In the following, the related verses to the aforementioned factors have been analyzed and reviewed and then their implications are discussed.
Keywords: human will, strengthening the will, factors of strengthening the will, righteous deeds.
The Methods of Modifying Bad Habits in the Holy Quran
Ali Rahed / PhD. Student Interpretation and Quranic Sciences IKI alirahid66@gmail.com
Amir Reza Ashrafi / Associate Professor, IKI ashrafi@qabqs.net
Received: 2018/06/30 - Accepted: 2018/12/28
The Holy Quran considers an effective potential for good and bad behaviors - especially the habituated ones - in the human being's happiness or prosperity. Hence, various methods have been used to drive people into good behaviors and habits and to modify bad behaviors and habits. Using a thematic interpretation method, this paper has analyzed this issue. The findings show that, the Holy Quran has used methods such as informing, warning, applying the principle of gradual education, counteracting method, presenting an example, indoctrination, musharata (setting out conditions for doing good deeds and avoid bad deeds), leaving the environment, changing the habit patterns, controlling the entrances of the heart, strengthening the will, reward and punishment.
Keywords: bad habits, the methods of modifying bad habits, modifying bad habits in the Quran.