Currently, Sheikhiyya Baqeriyya, attributed to Mirza Muhammad Baqer Hamedani Jandaqi, has followers in some central regions of Iran. However, there are not many written sources available about the opinions, views and works of this group. Research findings show that Mirza Muhammad Baqer Hamedani is a follower of Akhbarism with the special interpretations of Sheikh Ahmad Ahsa’i and Seyyed Kazem Rashti. This sect accepts the thoughts of Haj Muhammad Karim Khan Kermani, but about the Shiite doctrine of the single speaker, it strongly opposes Kerman’s sheikhiyyah and even disapproves of them in this regard. With regard to resurrection, this school believes that on the Day of Resurrection, the main body will be resurrected and the accidental body will be destroyed. It also accepts the spiritual ascension of the Prophet of Islam. The Sheikhiyya Baqeriyya school considers the family of the holy Prophet to be the medium of God's grace in the creation of the world and believe that the infallible imams are not the locus of God's providence, but his very providence and will, and they consider the infallibility of Ahl al-Bayt to be the reason for this. This point of view has been considered as one of the reasons for regarding Shaikhiyya as being exaggerative and accusing them of apostasy. The Sheikhiyya's claim regarding the fourth pillar and single speaker is one of the important causes of the emergence of Babism) Bábi Faith( and Baha'ism within the Sheikhiyya's thoughts. By rejecting Kerman Sheikhiyyah’s single speaker theory and despising Babism and Bahaism, the sheikhiyyah Baqiriyah has separated his way from other sheikhiyyahs to some extent. Using descriptive, analytical and documentary methods, the present study reviews the theological opinions of the Sheikhiyya Baqeriyya school.