معرفت، سال بیست و سوم، شماره هفتم، پیاپی 202، مهر 1393، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    Commemoration of Allamah Tabatabaii

    Ayatollah Allamah Misbah Yazdi’s Speech in a visit with scientific committee of international Conference on Allamah Tabatabaii’s Thoughts in Al-Mizan Commentary


    Commemoration is a good custom in Islam, which is instructed by Quran and emphasized in Holy prophet and Imam Ali’s way of life. Allamah Tabatabaii’s commemoration conference is an instance of this good custom. This conference is a commemoration of a personality who has provided the most services in reviving religion, sciences of Holy Prophet’s household and seminaries.

    The followings are among Allamah Tabatabaii’s most notable characteristics: training religious scholars and prominent students, moral education, scientific humbleness and modesty, founding comparative philosophy in seminaries, magnanimity, theorizing about theocratic authority, and most importantly, writing invaluable work, “Al-Mizan”.


    Key words: Allamah Tabatabaii, Al-Mizan, Commemoration.   


    Social Etiquette in Al Mizan Commentary

    Fateme Aminpoor / Masumeh Aminpoor


    Allameh Tabatabaii is among the commentators who adopts a social approach in his commentary on Qur’anic verses. Among the issues which he addresses in the Al Mizan Commentary is social etiquette. This paper tries investigates this topic an attempt to revive Islamic lifestyle. Therefore, making use of a library-based method and a kind of qualitative content-analysis, he analyzes and explains the Quranic social etiquette.  The basic point of this research is that the Quran presents a variety of social etiquette. Due to its desirable effects on society, social etiquette not only organizes the Islamic social system, but also points out to man the path of the true happiness and perfection stated in the Qur'an. Social etiquette in the Quran, is based on piety, loyalty and faith, and its main root is God-based and Hereafter-based.  The Quran has set up an educational system of human social behavior.


    Key words: etiquette, social etiquette, Al Mizan Commentary, Allameh Tabatabaii.


    Lifestyle from the Viewpoint of Allameh Tabatabaii

    Masood Azarbayjani/Mojtaba Fayzi


    As one of the interdisciplinary topics lifestyle can be dealt with in Islamic culture as a life road map. Studding this topic in the light of the view of those who are regarded as style-makers prepares the ground for attaining an agreeable life.  As a style-maker, Allameh Tabatabaii considers monotheism – centeredness as the heading of lifestyle and its firm basis. The main aim of this research is to find out the pattern of lifestyle in the light of the view of Allameh Tabatabaii.  The research method is based on an analytical study based on library resources. The findings show that, according to Allameh, lifestyle is manifested in the duties and responsibilities of life. Allameh Tabatabaii believes that man's duties in relation with God, self and others are among the main basis of lifestyle, the most important of which can be the duties of the servants of God in relation with God. Devoting the best time to communicate with God in the form of prayers and adoration, seeking help through praying and fasting when problems arise, seeking access to the prophet (p.b.u.h.) and friends of God, self-knowledge and having lovingly relationship between spouses on the basis of triple: solace, friendship and mercy are among the behavioral patterns in the lifestyle inferred from Allameh Tabatabaii's views.


    Key words: Allameh Tabatabaii, Islamic lifestyle, monotheism -centeredness, kinds of human duties, Islam.


    The Effect of Belief in Resurrection on Social Education in the View of Allameh Tabatabaii

    Sayedeh Zahra Miri Eivari


    One of the effects of the belief in resurrection is to believe that man will see the file of his deeds in the hereafter. The deeds can either be individual or social. Perhaps, an individual deed and its relation with resurrection is not much discussed by religious people, because is known to most people this issue. But one of the issues which is unknown to people especially Muslims, is social activity, the effects of certain social behavior and the confrontation between people in the society, which are asked about in the Judgment Day. Therefore, the present paper, which uses a descriptive-analytical method and relies on the works of the famous philosopher, Allameh Tabatabaii tries to make explicit the importance and necessity of thinking of the resurrection especially in as far as social issues are concerned by making use of his complete theories. This paper which lays emphasis on the role of faith in resurrection as a controlling factor in social behavior, explores the relation between the next world and man's social life and some of the educational effects of faith on this principle such as responsibility, security, social justice, patience and self-control, self-sacrifice, purposefulness, hope, strengthening human relations, trustworthiness and foresight.

    Key words: resurrection, education, social education, educational ramifications.


    Education- Giving Traditions in Al-Mizan

    ‘Abdul Reza Zarrabi


     There are several concepts in “Al-Mizan”, which can be closely related to the foundations, principles, methods and stages of education. The present paper seeks to infer from Al-Mizan the concepts which are related to the foundations of education, especially those which are known as the ontological foundations of education and particularly called “education-giving traditions”. Generally speaking, divine traditions can be divided into two groups: worldly traditions and other-worldly traditions. Other-worldly traditions are those which are related to the life in the other world and reward and punishment. Worldly traditions are those which deal with man’s social behaviors and their outcomes in this world. The term “education-giving traditions”, here is concerned with the second group, that is, with those traditions which are related to man’s social behaviors and their outcomes in this world. Among the main education-giving traditions are the tradition of affliction and trail, the tradition of sending messengers, the tradition of guidance, the tradition of drawing a person on little by little, the tradition of respiting and delaying, tradition of decisive victory of truth against falsehood which (the Most High God has mentioned in the Holy Qur'an in different occasions with the aim of educating mankind and pointing out the way of achieving felicity and perfection).


    words: tradition, education, education-giving traditions.



    The Role of Liturgical Dimension in Worldly Felicity in the View of Allamah Tabatabaii

    Mahdiyyah Sadat Mostaqhimi, Mo’zzamah Shoja’ al-dini, Zohreh Borqhe’ii


    Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present paper delves into the domain of the functions of religion from the perspective of philosophy of religion and theological metaphysics and reviews Allamah Tabatabaii’s view about the effect of liturgical dimension of religion on man’s worldly felicity. First, explaining the conceptual fundamentals and providing Allamah's definitions of “religion”, “felicity”, and “worship”, it elaborates on Allamah’s view in this respect and rejects the opposing views. One of these views negates the principle of the effect of religion on worldly felicity, and the other does not relate this effect to liturgical dimension, though it does not negate the effect of religion on worldly felicity. Then, it discusses the direct and indirect aspects of the role of liturgical dimension of religion in worldly felicity. Among the aforementioned functions are the effect of acts of worship on worldly happiness through exerting influence on the personal and social promotion, fulfillment of worldly needs due to response to supplication, changing of mind (badӓ), transforming of worldly vengeances into blessings, finding a feeling of contentment, enjoying special pleasure and positive effect of religion on social life.


    Key words: religion, felicity, worship, worldly, tranquility and pleasure, function, change of mind (badӓ).


    The Status of Warning and Admonition in Religious Education in the View of Allameh Tabatabaii in Al Mizan Commentary

    Sayeed Hassan Bathaii Golpaygani


    Warning and admonition are among the methods which are used in religious education. Warning means enjoining good benevolently and leniently. Among its synonyms are advice and warning which mean giving advice in a friendly way in the hope of encouraging reform and extending education. The Qur'an refers to fine admonition as one of the methods of religious education relating to doctrinal issues, ethical issues, and acts and etiquette of worship. Resting on the verses of Quran, Allameh Tabatabaii believes that, if the preacher and the preached one share scientific, ethical and doctrinal conditions and if the purpose of the sermon is inviting the audience to God, it will contribute to the awakening of hearts, and refinement of human souls. The Qur'an's reference to favours and historical events is intended to prevent people from being remiss and to extend religious education. This research, relying on the views shown by Allameh Tabatabaii in Al Mizan Commentary, investigates and evaluates the commentary and analysis of the verses of admonitions and the words related to them.


    Key words: admonition, advice, warning, education, Al Mizan Commentary, Allameh Tabatabaii.


    A Comparative Study of Parsons and Allamah Tabatabaii’s Views about Family Management

    Ahmad Rezaii, Maryam Sha’bani


    The present paper seeks, through a comparative study, to investigate Parsons and Allamah Tabatabaii’s views about family management and answer the following question: what are the points of difference and points of similarity between Parsons and Allamah Tabatabaii’s views about family management? A library-based method is used for gathering data and conducting the research. This research contains an interdisciplinary approach to a discipline between ethics and sociology, on the one hand, and is considered a scientific- religious research, on the other. It, first, discusses the models of family management and then refers to Parsons and Allamah Tabatabaii’s views about family management.

    The research findings show that Allamah emphasizes on two things: differentiating between roles and reasoning, whereas Parsons refers to the differentiation between roles and to the principle of their incompatibility. Of course, there are five points of similarity and four points of difference between Parsons and Allamah’s views, which are referred to in this paper.


    Key words: family management, models of family management, power structure in family, differentiation between roles.


    شیوه ارجاع به این مقاله: RIS Mendeley BibTeX APA MLA HARVARD VANCOUVER


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1393) ABSTRACTS. فصلنامه معرفت، 23(7)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."ABSTRACTS". فصلنامه معرفت، 23، 7، 1393، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1393) 'ABSTRACTS'، فصلنامه معرفت، 23(7), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). ABSTRACTS. معرفت، 23, 1393؛ 23(7): -