معرفت، سال بیست و چهارم، شماره دوم، پیاپی 209، اردیبهشت 1394، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    The Role of Faith and Unbelief in Man’s Felicity, Wretchedness and Loss

    Ayatollah Allamah Mohammad Taqi Misbah


    Man’s real felicity can be attained through faith and good deeds. If man believes in God,  his deeds will be accepted, otherwise, he will be deprived of the felicity in the hereafter. Man’s attachment to this world makes him think that divine blessings are limited to worldly favours. Hence, when he enjoys a favour, he thinks that God is kind to him, but when he is deprived of it, he thinks that he is not treated kindly by God. This is while spiritual blessings, such as faith in the guardianship of Imams and knowledge and love of God are the real divine blessings are so great that they are not comparable with worldly favours. According to the narrations related from our Imams, the sanctity of a believer is superior to that of the kaaba. Consequently, when one visits a faithful sufferer, one will be amply rewarded and be brought near to God in proximity.

    Key words: felicity, believer, faith, guardianship of Imams, unbelief, wretchedness.

    Extracting Principles of Cultural Education from Islamic Doctrines

    Hassan Najafi- Reza Vafaii- Reza Ja’fari Harandi


    Islamic doctrines stress the importance of providing man with cultural education and consider it among the prerequisites for man’s perfection, and the greatest responsibility in this respect lies with the education institution, which is one of the main centers of reviving individual characteristics and capabilities and which has an effective role in developing individuals’ personality and potentiality and shaping their behavior. This research seeks to recognize and investigate some of the principles of cultural education which are detected in Qur’nic verses and the teachings of the Infallible Imams (pbut). The research uses a descriptive-analysis method, and, in order to gather the data required for achieving the research purposes, the available texts related to the research were collected by using note-taking forms and analyzed qualitatively. The findings show that religion seeks through a special worldview to offer spiritually-orientated principles, manners and bio-cultural instructions.

    Key words: cultural education, principles, the Holy Quran, the narrations of the Holy Prophet's household (pbut).

    A Probing Look at the Idea of Friendship in the Eyes of the Narrations of the Infallibles

    Mohammad Ali Shokrinia- Seyyed Ali Hosseinizadeh


    The present paper seeks through objective analysis and logical inference to investigate the Islamic viewpoint about friendship in the light of the narrations of Infallible Imams (pbuh). Concerning the philosophy of friendship, which is compatible with the narrations, two civil and ontological patterns have been propounded, according to which, friendship is regarded as a necessity for leading a desirable social life and for man’s movement towards perfection and eternal felicity based on monotheism. These two patterns refer to the function a friendship which has a supportive intended to serve physical, material, mental and social needs and a friend which has a guiding function leading to monotheism and servitude of God. The narrations, emphasizing the necessity of investigation for selecting a friend points out to a number of methods and criteria for achieving this purpose and to the actions necessary for the permenance and promotion of friendship. Also, a hierarchy of friendship relationships is defined by the narrations, the highest of which is one’s friendship with prophets and Infallible Imams (pbuh) and friends of God.

    Key words: friendship, narrations, the Pure Imams (pbuh).

    The World of Religious Man; an Approach to the Efficiency of the Activity of the Teachers of Religious and Moral Education

    Mahdiyeh Keshani-Seyyed Hamid Reza Alavi


    From among the challenges facing religious and moral education is the inefficiency of the educational methods used by the teachers who work in these fields. Therefore, its outputs are sometimes ascribed to their lack of learning and sometimes they after a time, deviate from the right way of religious and moral values. Attempting to present to teachers the world of religious man, this paper seeks to highlight the exiological necessity of such a world in order to enhance the effectiveness of religious and moral teachings. A qualitative method and an analytic- deductive approach is used in this research. The results show that, being a world owner, the instructor can exert influence on his/her students from two aspects. The first and foremost is that the instructor can spiritually attract the student towards becoming world-owner, and the second aspect, is enhancing the ability of the teacher in his/her career to exert influence on the student’s spirit. Hence, instead of using material, instrumental and forcible approaches, the instructors of religious and moral education should use ontological, inner and illuminative approaches, the most fundamental of which is getting into the world of religious man.

    Key words: the world, man, religious, moral, education.

    The Moral Concepts Used in the Translated Stories for Young and Teenage Children

    Mahdi Mohammadi- Farideh Seyfi


    According to a survey to identify the moral concepts in the translated stories published in the period between 1389-1385, 254 titles of a collection of books have been reviewed by the Council of Children’s Books. The findings show that 71.7 percent of books have been translated by women and 27.2 percent by men. 16.3 percent of the works are accompanied by illustration, but the names of the picture editors are not known. A thematic investigation of the works shows that more than half of them demonstrate such personal moral concepts like; kindness toward animals, truthfulness and trustworthiness,… which are intended for young and teenage children. Among the issues on which these works concentrate are: 1.personal morals-kindness to animals,

     2. family morals-giving help to one’s parents, and 3. social morals; giving help to others.

    Key words: translated stories, literature of young and teenage, Islamic morality

    Educational Methods in the Eyes of the Holy Quran

    Mozhdeh Alizadeh, Seyyed Hamid Reza 'Alavi


    The increasing importance which teaching methods has in the development of knowledge and modern technologies, like the importance of other disciplines is known to all. Therefore, it is important to see how these methods are viewed from by the Holy Quran, the most reliable divine source, which presents to man a fully comprehensive education programme. The present paper examines teaching methods in the eyes of the Holy Quran, using a descriptive- analytical method and documentary sources. The research findings indicate that, according to the Quran, teaching methods can be divided into two kids direct and indirect. Direct methods include the question-and-answer method and lecturing. Indirect methods include: a) verbal indirect methods, b) observational methods, c) exploration-based method and d) conceptualization.

    Key words: education, the Quran, teaching methods.

    The Role of Storytelling in Teaching Religious Concepts

    Elias Bigdeli, Tahereh Elahi


    Today, man who is trapped in modernity has developed a new approach to spirituality, morality, religion and religious values and realized that it is impossible for him to move towards sublimity without referring to religious teachings and concepts. The general view about religion is that it is the principle of guidance, through which man significance and identity are realized and it is a prescription for his felicity, so appropriate methods and mechanisms should be developed for teaching its dynamic and permanent concepts and providing individuals with religious education and inner commitment. Storytelling is one of the best, most interesting and influential mechanisms for teaching religious concepts. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present paper aims at investigating the role and significance of storytelling in teaching religious concepts and the conformity degree of the educational principles governing the story with religious concepts and recognizing the concepts which can be taught through storytelling. Furthermore, the principles governing the story and their conformity with the principles governing the process of teaching religious concepts are examined. Finally, the teachings and concepts which can be best taught through storytelling are reanalyzed and identified in the light of Quranic verses and traditions and by citing some Quranic examples. Definitely, storytelling can be the most effective means of teaching religious and Quranic teachings, a suggestion which is worth considering by parents, instructors, teachers, professors and pundits.

    Key words: story, teaching, religious concepts, children and adolescents.

    Techniques for Fostering Religious Values among Primary School Students

    Seyyed Mohammad Reza Moosavinasab, Seyyed Hussein Fotoohi


    No doubt, religious values prepare the ground for man’s sublimity and his felicity in this world and the next world. One of the important concerns of religious societies is how to foster these values among the present and future generations. The educational system is one of the most important institutions that has a fundamental role in the fostering of values. The present paper is based on documentary studies, using a descriptive-analytical method. It shows that it is necessary to cultivate children's cognitive, behavioral and affective aspects, taking into consideration their mental and psychological characteristics. Thus, the learners are motivated to learn and follow the religious teachings. Such dictions like story, allegory, question-and -answer method, constant practice, repetition, reward, etc. greatly contribute to the fostering of values.

    Key words: religious education, religious values, fostering of values, techniques of religious education, primary school students.

    The Damaging Effects of Relations between Boys and Girls on Moral Standards

    Ali Ahmadpoor


    The secret and fragile relations between the sexes are among the damaging relations which threaten our society. According to the holy religion of Islam, the man and the woman can interact with one another under the statute of Shariah by preserving each their own modesty and continence and abstaining from secret relations. Using a descriptive-analytical method, the present paper seeks to elaborate on the secret relations between boys and girls, their damaging effects on moral standards, and the reasons why the holy religion of Islam rejects this kind of friendship. It also points out to the ways of preventing and overcoming this social problem. The research findings show that the growing distrust, family breakdown, feeling remorse, delay in marriage, promiscuity, scandal, divesting human dignity and domination of Satan are among the main damaging effects of secret relations between boys and girls.

    Key words: secret relations, boy, girl, the damages to morals.

    The View of Islam and Religious Leaders about How to Confront Cruetly towards Children

    Fa'ezeh Peymanpak, Parisa Poor'alamdari, Shahla Pakdaman


    In Islam, it is a great sin to wrong and cause offence to someone who has no protector but God. The present paper explains the instances, reasons and consequences of child abuse and reviews the view of Islam, the infallible Imams and religious authorities on this issue. It is a qualitative research in which a descriptive-documentary method is used. In Islam, it is forbidden to inflict cruelty, particularly in educational affaires, on people, including children, who have been honoured by God. Parents are by no means allowed to cause psychological or physical injury to their children. The Holy Quran and the lifestyle of infallible Imams (pbut) put into action the idea of defending children's rights at a time when there was no international institution, organization or convention to defend their rights. By attending to all the needs of children and defending their rights, Islam prepares the ground for their development in all aspects. Therefore, it is necessary to refer to religious teachings and the views of religious scholars to see how to deal with children, bring them up and prevent child abuse which is now prevalent in the societies the world over.

    Key words: Islam, religious leaders, cruelty towards children, violence, children.

    شیوه ارجاع به این مقاله: RIS Mendeley BibTeX APA MLA HARVARD VANCOUVER


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1394) ABSTRACTS. فصلنامه معرفت، 24(2)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."ABSTRACTS". فصلنامه معرفت، 24، 2، 1394، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1394) 'ABSTRACTS'، فصلنامه معرفت، 24(2), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). ABSTRACTS. معرفت، 24, 1394؛ 24(2): -