معرفت، سال بیست و ششم، شماره هفتم، پیاپی 238، مهر 1396، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    The Oughtst and ought-nots of Fault finding Nith and Praising of the Behavior of Others

    Allameh Mohammad Taqi Mesbah


    The current paper expounds the words of Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) regarding the attributes of the Shiah. One of these attributes is praising the behavior of others. This essay deals with the oughts and oughl-nots of praising others. Is praising the behavior of others approved disapproved in Islam? The answer to this question depends on the conditions and cases; that is, it is not appropriate to praise every one, in every situation and in every way and it is not inappropriate to hide the good attributes of others and not praise them. Sometimes praising others is obligatory, recommended or serves as a healer of some mental diseases, like jealousy, and sometimes praising is impermissible and blame worthy. In some cases, like marriage, gaining a political position or consulting, backbiting or fault finding with the behavior of others it is obligatory. Although praising others in their absence is a virtue, this rule does not apply equally to all people. Praising beneficent believer will be valuable if it intended to win people`s affection.

    In the story of Abel and Cain and the story of prophet Josef, we find clear instances of the role of jealousy amony brothers. The best way to remove jealousy is to praise the person whom is the object of jealousy.

    Key words: praising others, fault finding, jealousy.

    Islamophobia in the Western Written Media

    Abbas Isa Zadeh / Seyyed Hossein Sharaf al-Din


    "Islamophobia” which means: “fear or hatred of Islam, and consequently fear and hatred of all Muslims", is growing considerably day by day through creating systematic deprivations in Muslims' economic, social, and political life. One of the most important means for achieving this goal in the West is using mass media and its tremendous power. The relation between the policy of Western media and the movement of Islamophobia is so significant that some analysts consider Western media as the main source of Islamophobia. Among the various types of media, the field of written media, especially the press, has been the starting ground for scholars to study "media-based Islamophobia." Therefore, using a descriptive-analytical method, this research explains the claim of the existence of "Islamophobia in the written media of the West". Over the past few decades, many studies have been conducted on this topic, and their findings show a clear and hidden discrimination against Islam and Muslims in the form of representation of Western written media.

    Key words: Islamophobia, Islam, the West, written media, Western press.

    ((Infilteration)) into the Engineering of the Calculations of the Political Elite and Its Role in the Alteration of Identity with Emphasis on Iran

    Morteza Alavian / Mahdi Mohammadi Rad


    The process of decision making and policy making of governments in face of national and into national threats are affected by the calculations of the political elite in a society. The calculations of the political elite are among the main factors in the political advances and stability of a society and have akey role in the indicators of political development. Therefore, one of the effective tactics of arrogant powers is pressure on the developing countries by ((infiltration)) into the domestic elites in order to alter their calculations and change them into alien calculations, and thus changing the independent identity of newly emerging powers. The present study aims at evaluating the that identities exert effection the way of thinking of political elites`and the effect they have on strategic decisions. Henceforth, we can consider the war of calculations as the arrogemt powers strategic scenario to confront the Islamic Republic of Iran that has been in effect during the past years. Therefore, engineering the calculations can play an important role in the political stability on one hand, and in maintaining the Islamic-Iranian identity, on the other.

    Key words: political elite, infiltration, calculation engineering, national identity, political stability.

    A Quran-hadith – Based Review of the Characteristics and Methods of Infiltration of the Enemies into the Computing Device of the People and Governing Body of Islamic System

    Shobeir Firuzian


    The main concern of the devil and demons is to confuse mans thoughts. Likewise, human devils and Satanic governing systems try to make the Islamic system stay off its route and be aloof from its Islamic and revolutionary values. So, they attempt to infiltrate itno the computing device of people, governing body and the elite of Islamic community. Basically, in the conceptual literature of the Holy Quran, the word ''Satan'' and "Iblis" are applicable to villain people or villain governing system. If we take a look at the verses and hadiths and see what they say about Satan and contrast them with the villain enemies of Islamic system, we will have a clear idea about the characteristics and methods of enemys infiltration of into the computing system of people and governing body. This way is used by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution in his analysis of the behavior of the enemies of Islamic system. Using a descriptive – analytical method, this article analyzes the characteristics and ways of infiltration of the villain enemies of Islamic system into the computing system of people and governing body.

    Key Words: infiltration, Satan, enemy, computing device, Islamic system.

    Fostering Islamic Values among University Students; the Factors and Priorities

    Seifollah Fazlollahi Ghomshi / Mahmood Omidi


    This article aims at identifying and prioritizing the factors that contribute to fostering Islamic values among the university students. This survey uses a descriptive method and the population sample consists of 40 professors of theology who teach in Azad University in Qom. Because of their limited number all of them were chosen for the survey. A research-made questionnaire which is identical to Cornbachs Alfa with a stability of 0/83 was used for collecting the data. The findings show that the most important factors in cherishing and fostering Islamic values among students are: using a syllabus conten based on Islamic teachings, training and employing managers who are  meticulous about Islamic values, a dopting value symbols which are suitable for the campus, creating an appropriate cultural atmosphere between the members of the staff and professors by observing Islamic values faithfully.

    Key words: Islamic values, students, professors of theology, Azad University in Qom.

    The Quranic Communication Model According to the Propositions of NLP Communication Model

     Masoud Rafi’


    "NLP" is a new model in communications science. Researchers in the field of "NLP" believe that if anyone in this world gains a virtue that is desirable for someone else, the other person can also gain the same virtue if she/he can afford the cost, allocate sufficient time, and make required effort. The main purpose of this research is to build a Quranic communication model in accordance with the indicators of "NLP" communication model. The research method in this study is content analysis, i.e. according to the categories of "NLP" communication models in the Holy Qur'an, a Qur'anic pattern of communication is extracted. The research result is the emergence of a Quranic communication model that includes verbal and non-verbal communication (vakoog system and body language) as well as the way of dealing with the nervous system (mirror neurons) according to the Qur'anic teachings.

    Key words: "NLP", neural planning, Quranic communications.

    Unanimity and Empathy between Government and People; an Inquiry into the Mutual Responsibilities of Government and People

    Mohammad Fouladi


    Unanimity and empathy between government and people is an effective broad strategy proposed by the supreme leader in 1394 for achieving prosperity the Islamic Republic of Iran. The present study aims at expounding this issue, clarifying the tactics or strategy of this slogan and the, mutual responsibilities of government and people in achualizing them and presenting practical strategies for actualizing them. The findings show that the higher the level of  unanimity and empathy harmony between government and people are, the higher the degree of national unity and harmony will be, and so the oims and objectives of the Islamic system will be easily attainable. Given the status quo in the world, the only factors that contribute to an international success are national unity and harmony and unanimity and empathy between governments and people. Therefore, unanimity and empathy between government and people is a strategic approach.

    Key words: unanimity and empathy, government, people, the characteristic of unanimity, tactical approach, strategic.      

    The Relationship between Reason and Religion from the Viewpoint of Martyr Morteza Motahhari

    Mahdi Vali Nejad / Ehsan Khan Mohammadi


    The nature and the relationship between reason and religion have always been one of the highly controversial topics among theologians and theorists in the realm of research, especially epistemology and Theology. The different and paradoxical ideas proposed in this regard have aroused a lot of doubts. Martyr Motahhari`s views have always been viewed as one of the most reliable patterns regarding the relationship between reason and religion. The present study aims at exploring his views about the relationship between reason and religion.

    A documentary method and note-taking were used for collecting the data. The findings show that, according to Martyr Motahhari, reason and religion are not only in consistency with one another but they are also inseparable from one another. Indeed, man cannot achieve real prosperity with one of these two. This aim connot be attained except through the correlation between reason and religion. However, religion has priority over reason because it points the way to reason.

    Key words: reason, religion, revelation, theoretical reason, practical reason, innate reason.

    شیوه ارجاع به این مقاله: RIS Mendeley BibTeX APA MLA HARVARD VANCOUVER


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1396) ABSTRACTS. فصلنامه معرفت، 26(7)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."ABSTRACTS". فصلنامه معرفت، 26، 7، 1396، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1396) 'ABSTRACTS'، فصلنامه معرفت، 26(7), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). ABSTRACTS. معرفت، 26, 1396؛ 26(7): -