معرفت، سال بیست و هفتم، شماره دوازدهم، پیاپی 255، اسفند 1397، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    Affection to the People

    Ayatollah Allameh Mohammad Taghi Mesbah


    This article aims to study the signs of real believers from the viewpoint of Amir al-Momenin Ali (as). The other characteristic of the true believers is that "People are hoping for his goodness and immune from his harassment". Being kind to the people is the command of religion and the religious teachings. The obedience to God has three stages, I) Obedience for the fear of punishment II) Obedience for the sake of reward III) Obedience for the love of God. The third stage is the most important and highest level of God's servitude. Because, since the Almighty Allah is worthy of worship, the believer worships him. Among the stages of worship, the third one is ordered and operated by the infallible. Therefore, given that we consider ourselves the true follower of the Ahl al-Baty (as) we should be like them. Loving the people, kindness to the people, forgiveness and sacrifice have been ordered too much in Islam, and only Shiites can fulfill them, which has comprehend the greatness of Allah Almighty and is kind to the people.

    Keywords: affection to the people, the greatness of servitude, loving the people for the sake of Allah, love of the friends of Allah.

    A Quranic explanation of the Patterns of Social Behavior in the Religious Community; A Tool for Curriculum Designers

    @ Hasan Najafi / PhD. in Curriculum Studies Allameh Tabataba'i University                          hnajafih@yahoo.com

    Mahdi Subhaninejad / Associate Professor Educational Sciences Department Shahed University sobhaninejad@shahed.ac.ir

    Received: 2018/08/29 - Accepted: 2019/02/08


    Quranic explanation of the patterns of social behavior in the religious community, this research has conducted, to be a valuable tool for curriculum designers in the country. Using a descriptive-analytical method, collecting the necessary data and seeking the research purposes the available and relevant research sources have been analyzed with qualitative methods. The research findings show that religious society is a society whose culture and methods of behavior are based on religious and revelatory teachings and its members apply all their sighted, tendentious and active efforts to religion. In this community, attachment to religion and religious values has overcome any other attachments. According to the Holy Quran, the patterns of social behavior can be explained in five factors, individual behaviors in accordance with collective necessities, interactive behaviors with others, economic behaviors, political behaviors and behaviors associated with social duties.

    Keywords: curriculum design, religious community, social behavior, desirable patterns.

    The Effect of Lifestyle of Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (as) on Entrepreneurship and Wealth Production in Line with the Principles of Resilient Economy

    Mohammad Mahdi Mozafari / Assistant Professor Management Imam Khomeini International University Qazvin

    Received: 2018/10/13 - Accepted: 2019/02/04                                                                        mozaffari@soc.ikiu.ac.ir


    The lifestyle of Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (as) in economic affairs can be regarded as the most complete way of life for Muslims. A method in which neither the public interest is shadowed by self-interest nor the economic pressures and imbalances can stop its progress. This method, which is based on science, production knowledge, and hard work, changed the livelihoods of Imam and Bani Hashem, with the intelligence of Amir al-Mu'minin, and has had many favorable effects in various fields. Perhaps the most important and desirable effect of Imam Ali (as)'s lifestyle are relying on production or endogenous, maintaining capital and utilizing fruits. These features have led us to study and analyze economic issues related to Amir al-Mu'minin (as) to adopt the resistance economy with the economic conduct of Imam Ali (as) by analyzing his economic decisions in the field of production and business.

    Keywords: Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (as), economy, lifestyle, resistance economy, production, capital.

    Methods of Economic Management of Women in Islamic Lifestyle

    @Tahere Soleimani / Level Three in Jurisprudence and Principles Alborz Province Seminary of Kaowsar soleymani.z77@gmail.com

    Fahime Shahabi / Level Two, Alborz Province, Seminary of Kaowsar                        agznfri12msher@gmaih.com

    Yaser Solati / Level Two, Qom Seminary                                                                                                    solati@iki.ac.ir

    Received: 2018/06/26 - Accepted: 2018/11/18


    The economics and subsistence are one of the primary and most essential issues that, as a major part of the human life, have always been with mankind. The economic system of family should be able to overcome the obstacles by developing the human life in any age. Undoubtedly, family members have a serious role in economic management of the family. In this regard, the status and responsibility of women play an important role. In the educational system of Islam, it is not just a financial and economic issues that provide peace for family, rather good moralities such as satisfaction, avoiding lavishness, avoiding luxury life, moderation and so on have a great impact in this respect. In economic crisis conditions, definitely woman's behavior, as a mother and wife, can bring peace and comfort to the family. Using a descriptive-analytical and desk-research method, seeking a practical survey and focusing on valid sources and documents, this paper has been conducted.

    Keywords: economy, economic management, family, Islamic lifestyle.

    The Role of Cultural Intelligence and Social Capital in Social Responsibility of Secretaries

    @ Seifulla Fazlullahi / Assistant Professor Educational Sciences Department Qom Islamic Azad University fazlollahigh@yahoo.com

    Narges Afrasiyabi / M.A. in Educational Management Saveh Islamic Azad University 313.afrasiabi@gmail.com

    Received: 2018/06/17 - Accepted: 2018/11/01                                                                               


    Predicting the social responsibility of secondary school teachers based on cultural intelligence and social capital is the purpose of this research. Using a correlation-descriptive and practical method, this paper has been conducted. The statistical population of the study is 460 people, and the statistical

    sample is 210, which were selected according to the Morgan table in a stratified random manner. To collect information, the cultural intelligence questionnaire (CQS) of "Ang" and colleagues (2007), the social capital of Nahapiet & Ghoshal (1998); social Responsibility of (Gaff) (1984), respectively: with a reliability of 0.81, 0.78 and 0.83, were used based on Cronbach's alpha. For data analysis, in addition to descriptive methods, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov inferential tests, Pearson correlation, were also used in SPSS software. The findings showed: 1. There is a relationship between cultural intelligence and social capital, with the responsibility of secondary school teachers. 2. There is a relationship between the cognitive, structural and social capital relations, with the responsibility of the teachers. 3. There is a relationship between the dimensions of meta-cognition, cognition, motivation and behavior of cultural intelligence with the responsibility of teachers. Ultimately, cultural intelligence and social capital provide a good predictor of social responsibility for teachers.

    Keywords: responsibility, cultural intelligence, social capital, teachers.

    The Degree of Practical Adherence to Religion and its Relation to the Type and the Amount of Media Use (Case study: Dehloran City Teachers)

    @ Asghar Mirfardi / Associate Professor Sociology and Social Planning Department University of Shiraz amirfardi@shirazu.ac.ir

    Abdullah Valinejad / M.A. in Sociology, University of Yasouj                                  abdollahvalinejad@gmail.com

    Received: 2018/11/28 - Accepted: 2019/02/05


    Clarifying the role of the media in the amount of practical adherence of Dehloran city teachers to religion this research has been conducted. According to Morgan's table, the sample size of 300 was calculated, which were selected by the sampling method (gender and educational level). The data gathering tool was a composite questionnaire made by researcher and others, which was confirmed by the experts, the reliability of the questionnaire "the degree of practical adherence to religion" was calculated and used according to Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.71). The findings showed a significant difference in the rate of "adherence to religion" of respondents, with regard to their "gender" and "educational level". Accordingly, there were no significant differences between the respondents in terms of "practical adherence to religion", considering the other variables of the study, as well as the type and the extent of media use. Finally, only the "primary and secondary level" and "gender" variables were able to enter into the Regression model of the determining factors of "adherence to religion", and determine the amount of 4.6 percent of its variation.

    Keywords: religion, teacher, media, Dehloran, Iran.

    The magic of Iranian communication;
     Critical Analysis of the Book, the Cultural Origins of Communication in Iran

    Hooria Buzorq / PhD. Student of Culture and Communication, Baqir al-Olum University  bozorgi.h14@gmail.com

    Received: 2018/07/14 - Accepted: 2019/01/08


    Using an analytical-documentary method, this paper seeks to analyze the Book of "The Cultural Origins of Communication in Iran".  The research findings show that there are some formal and

    content defects. In the formal section, the book requires a serious review in the editing of distances, typographical errors and ambiguous sentences. In the content section, the most important point that, it did not choose an appropriate research method by selecting a particular historical analysis approach. Adopting a quantitative research method for an issue such as cultural origins, which is a qualitative topic, has led the author to irrational climbing and generalization. In addition, choosing a particular historical approach inspired by the theory of "Iranian tyranny" and the theory of "deterioration of political thought" has led the author to "self-Orientalism" and neglecting the Iranian ethical virtues. Considering the important phenomenon of the Islamic Revolution and the way in which modernity has entered and faced Iran is one of the author's suggestions to study the Iranians' ethos with a comprehensive approach. The critical study of this book more and more reveals the necessity of the emancipation of scholars from Orientalist discourse and attention to the Iranian virtues in the context of "native scientific discourse."

    Keywords: The cultural roots of communication, Iranian ethos, Safavid, Mogul, the theory of Iranian tyranny, Mohsenianrad.

    A Comparative Study of the Concept of Self-Alienation from the Perspective of Erik Forum and Jalal Al-e-Ahmad

    Ehsan Khanmohammadi / BA in Sociology University of Yasouj                                       Ehskh1991@gmail.com

    Received: 2018/05/21 - Accepted: 2018/12/10


    "Self-alienation" is considered to be one of the most important anthropological issues; it is a subject that has been given attention in various fields from different perspectives, and has a special importance and significance in today's life. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to examine the concept of "self-alienation" from the perspective of two Western and Muslim scholars, Eric Forum and Jalal Al-e-Ahmad, with regard to their particular status in this area. For data collection, library and documentary methods have been used. According to the results of the research, in the view of these thinkers, the concept of "self-alienation" consists of four dimensions of nature, manifestations, roots, and ways to overcome it. In addition, it became clear that the description of various aspects of "self-alienation" by these two thinkers has both fundamental and outward differences and similarities. Finally, with regard to the view of the two thinkers, one can conclude that, firstly, a passive attitude towards the causal factors of "self-alienation" should be avoided. And secondly, liberation from "self-alienation" requires an adherence to collectivism values and cannot be achieved through individualism.

    Key words: self -alienation, capitalism, socialism, westernization, return to self.


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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1397) ABSTRACTS. فصلنامه معرفت، 27(12)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."ABSTRACTS". فصلنامه معرفت، 27، 12، 1397، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1397) 'ABSTRACTS'، فصلنامه معرفت، 27(12), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). ABSTRACTS. معرفت، 27, 1397؛ 27(12): -