معرفت، سال نوزدهم، شماره ششم، پیاپی 153، شهریور 1389، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 


    Fear of God; Its Role in Mans LifeProfessor Muhammad Taqi Misbah

    Mans emotions are rooted in his own nature. The secret behind the existence of some supplications is
    ascribed to the variety of states into which Gods servants get between now and then.

    Those who feel terrible fear are advised to say the "Supplication of the Fearful", so that their fear may not
    go to extremes. Besides, it is always necessary that ones fear of God balances ones hope in God. If man
    does not feel fear, he will not try to turn away from harmful things, and if his hope in God is in the extreme,
    he will not refrain from comitting sins. On the other hand, if man does not have hope in God, his hope for
    deliverence will be lost, which leads to his reluctance to think of deliverence. This is the reason why it is always
    necessary that mans fear and hope should be moderate. Thus, the Quran states that one of the prophets
    duties is warning people. A precondition of the effect of prophets warning does not prepare the ground for a
    natural, psychological and spiritual state of fear and hope, and without such readiness, ones access to
    deliverence and guidance will be impossible.

    Key words: fear and hope, fear of God.

    An Inquiry into the Condition of "the Humanities" in the Universities in Iran in
    the View of the Supreme Leader; Challenges and Mechanism

    Marziya Murowati - Muhammad Javad Murowati

    In spite of the special importance of the subject of humanities, due to the key role which this field of study
    plays in reviving the religio-national culture and in fostering technological advance, it has neither received due
    attention nor does it enjoy a good status in the universities in Iran. The present research attempts, through a
    theoretical analysis based on documentation, to investigate the condition of this subject in the light of the
    supreme leaders views. The result of the research shows that, according to the supreme leaders view, the
    main challenges to the huminities in the universities in Iran are anti-religious and materialistic principles,
    western character, unconditioned acceptance of western models and products, ignoring the important status of
    the eletè, scholars and the institutes which are concerned with huminities activities. The research concludes
    that in the view of the supreme leader the most effective ways of improving the present condition of the
    huminities are: extracting the principles of this field of study from religion, indigenousness, theorization,
    development of science, scientific innovations and giving special attention to the role of the eleté, scholars and
    the institutes concerned with huminities activities.

    Key words: the humanities, challenges, indigenousness, modern techonology, theorization, developing science,
    the supreme leader.

    The Objectives and Strategies of the Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran

    Hadi Shujai

    Foreign policy, like any kind of policy, is directed towards the achievement of the objectives prescribed by governments.

    The achievement of the objectives requires having strategies compatible with the objectives and can contribute to their

    The present article deals with the objectives and strategies which outline the framework of the foreign policy of the
    Islamic Rupublic of Iran.

    For defining the objectives of the foreign policy, the argument, which is based on authentic Islamic
    resources, speeches of the late Imam Khomeini, and speeches of the supreme leader - Ayatollah Khamenei
    and the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, shows that the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of
    Iran has eight objectives which are categorized as "national" objectives and "transnational". Also, the strategies
    that help to accompilsh these objectives are dealt with.

    Key words: the objectives of foreign policy, national objectives, transnational objectives, one united nation,
    strategy, the Islamic Republic of Iran.

    Application of Social Movement Model, Colour Revolution and Trans-colur Revolution
    in Analysing the Situation after the Ten-Term Presidential Election in Iran

    Murtaza Shirudi

    The series of events which occured after the ten-term presidential election in the Islamic Republic of Iran have
    been analysed in various theoretical ways; such as a confrontation between genuine Islam and ecletic Islam,
    opposition of the discourse of Islamic republic with that of Iranian republic, a gap between the first generation
    (of the Islamic Revolution) and the subsequent generations, and a conflict between the colour revolution and
    social movement. The use of the framework of social movement and colour revolutions is most common. The
    question which is raised here is: which one of these two has a scientific property?

    This paper examines two propositions - i.e. social movement and colour revolution - to see to which extent
    each of the two propositions corresponds with the happenings which occured after the ten-term election. To
    this end, the author discusses each one of these two views separately and then studies its relationship with the
    series of electoral events. The result of the research shows that what happened is neither a social movement
    nor a colour revolution, but a transcolour revolution.

    Key words: social movement, colour revolution, ten-term election, presidency, Islamic Revolution and Islamic
    Republic, transcolour revolution.

    The Green Rebels; an Insolent or Fighting Group?

    Abdul Jabbar Zargush-nasab

    Though the Green Rebels are composed of a number of groups, mercenaries and people of various
    inclinations, they, according to fiqhi precepts, represent three groups in terms of the offences and crimes they
    comitted: 1. insolent groups or political criminals 2. fighting, evil, trouble-makers 3. spies. The present essay
    explains how Islamic law treat the three groups supporting the so-called Green Movement which is responsible
    for the effences and chaos which occurred after the ten-term election. It is very necessary to know what,
    according to the view of general and special faqihs and Islamic resources, punishment these groups deserve for
    the harm the caused to the society.

    Key words: insolence, political crimes, fighting, Green Rebels, spying, fiqh.

    The Concept of Civic Rights in Nahjul Balaghah

    Mahdiyyah Arabifar

    We attempt in this discussion to examine the scientific and applied meaning of civic rights in the light of the
    view of Imam Ali (ai). So, our study of what Nahjul Balaghah means by civic rights concentrates on seven
    central points: the foundation of citizenship (the grounds of development of the idea of citizenship), the basic
    principles of citizenship (the basic principle of viewing citizenship and its rights and obligations), the content of
    citizenship (the relationship of obligations and advantages with rights and duties), the depth of citizentship
    (boundaries of the importance and role of citizenship in private and public realms), the type of citizenship (the
    kind of attitude towards peoples participation in political activities), the domain of citizenship (how open or
    closed would enjoyment of citizentship in a society be and what would its domain be?) and the ultimate aim of
    citizenship (depending on the aim which a political system and society seek for).

    To sum up, Imam Ali presents in Nahjul Balaghah a different view of citizenship from that adopted by
    democracy which emphasises on rights or the one adopted by authoritarianism which emphasises on duties.
    According to Imam, citizenship observes both right and duty on equal terms.

    Key words: civic rights, righ and duty, political thought in Islam, Imam Ali and citizens rights and duties.

    Haj Aqa Nourllahs Thought on the Constitutional Movement in Isfahan during
    A H. (lunar) 1324-1327Ahmad Jawani

    If the aim of history - which is a lesson for the mindful - is to cast light on dark and obscure corners to awaken
    a nations sleeping conciousness, it is researchers responsibility to do their best to achieve it. The
    Constitutional Movement is regarded as the first objective and practical step on the road to developing Iran.
    Usually a society or the elete have the most significant part in social changes. Among the important features
    of history is acquaintance with outstanding religious, political and social figures. Important political figures of
    various trends took part in the Constitutional Movement in Iran. The acquaintance with the characters and
    way of thinking of such figures has good effects; it helps us find the right path which leads to the good future
    of the Iranian nation.

    The present essay casts light on the role of Haj Aqa Norullahs thought in parving the way of the victory
    of the Constitutional Movement in Isfahan and tries to explain his views about: dictatorship, colony, legal
    constitutional movement, secularism, freedom, ... etc. His thoughts show that he was an idealistic and realistic
    scholar who had strong belief in a legal constitutional movement, opposing the idea of secularizing the
    Constitutional Movement in Iran, and he worked hard for three years to carry out Islamic law in Isfahan.

    Key words: Haj Aqa Norullah, Constitutional Movement, legal, freedom, dictatorship, colony.

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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1389) ABSTRACTS. فصلنامه معرفت، 19(6)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."ABSTRACTS". فصلنامه معرفت، 19، 6، 1389، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1389) 'ABSTRACTS'، فصلنامه معرفت، 19(6), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). ABSTRACTS. معرفت، 19, 1389؛ 19(6): -