Article data in English (انگلیسی)
Emancipation from Corruption and Western Cultural Aspects
Ayatollah Allamah Mohammad Taqi Misbah
Environment, especially man’s cultural environment and his surroundings have an outstanding role in the reformation or corruption of individuals. Because of the differences between cultures and due to the relation which exist between communities and the West through the media, the cultural environment of Islamic society has been contaminated. The only way for combatting foreign cultural elements and remaining immune from the deviant culture of the West is to develop the Qur'anic culture and the teachings of the Household of the Prophet (pbuh). The duty of the clergy, religious preachers, the media and, in general, those in charge of cultural affairs is to do their best to revive the cultural environment of Islamic society by spreading good clear ideas and sound knowledge of the Household of the Prophet.
Key words: culture, cultural environment, Western cultural aspects, destiny of the Shi’ah.
Methodology of Ijtihadi Quran to Quran Interpretation in al-Mizan
Ali Muhammad Savizi / Ali Rad
Each interpreter is required to act methodically in his interpretation. Allameh Tabatabaii, who has interpreted the Quranic verses through discovering the intertextual relations among the verses, is not exempt from this rule. He has written al-Mizan commentary through Ijtihadi Quran to Quran method. In this study, we have dealt with the characteristics and features of his method of interpretation so that we can gain knowledge of Ijtihadi Quran to Quran method. There are two ways for knowing his method:
1. His speeches and writings; 2. Analysis of interpretation samples. By studying the writings of Allameh, we cannot find a remarkable solution in this area. The solution to this problem would be through analysis of interpretation samples, Allameh’s comprehensive approach to the Qur'an’s semantic system, methodical and Ijtihadi semantics, tradition - orientedness in interpretation method, use of Ghurar Al-ayat in interpretation of the words and verses of the Quran.
Key words: methodology, Ijtihadi Quran to Quran, interpretation method, al-Mizan, Allameh Tabatabaii.
The Methodology of the Qur’an Commentary of Mirza Lotf Ali Mojtahed Tabrizi
Hassan Besharati Rad
Mirza Lotf Ali Mojtahed Tabrizi, known as ‘’Imam Jome,’’ is one of the eminent scholars of Tabriz in the Qajari era and has many erudite works and many social, cultural achievements. His main erudite work is the the Holy Qur’an Commentary which exists in the library of the Islamic Consultative Assembly in the form of a manuscript.
Using an analytical-descriptive method, this paper first presents a brief account of the social and scientific life of Mojtahed Tabrizi, and then expounds the interpretive method of the interpreter in different fields in an attempt to explain the characteristics of his interpretation method which depends on evidence from the text of interpretation in the form of documentation.
Imam Jome’ Tabrizi’s optimized use of such kinds of interpretation sources, like the Quran, narrations, literal and lexical sources causes his interpretation to be one of the comprehensive interpretations, and thus, his method of interpretation can be considered a comprehensive method of interpretation.
Key words: methodology, interpretation, Mirza Lotf Ali Mojtahed Tabrizi, Imam Jome’ Tabrizi, manuscript.
The Qur’an Commentary of Al-mizan and Uncommon Recitations
Seyyed Reza Moa’dab / Ali khoshnevis
In some cases in Al-mizan, Allamah Tabatabi regards the uncommon recitations as original Quranic recitation. A close acquaintance with these cases can be an introduction to raising questions about some Qur’anic principles. These questions which originate from the feeling of conflict between the above decision and the acceptance of some principles on which all agree or regarded as Qur’anic principels of Imamites, are: 1. The unity between Qur’anic text and recitation of the Qur’an 2. The necessity of successive hearsay for proving the Qur’an 3. The inviolability of the Qur’an from distortion 4. Unsoundness of recitations. Using a descriptive –analytical method, this paper point out to twenty cases of this kind of Recitation in Al-mizan which are mostly confirmed by such things like “evidence of the style, coordination with another verse, literal agreement with tradition, distance from grammatical affectations, omitting or over-omission, the nature of meaning exigency, correspondence with the definite Islamic judgment and word certification”. From among these recitations, nine recitations lead to change in the meaning, one recitation leads to increase in the meaning, two recitations lead to a change in the status of meaning and one recitation leads to a change in the quality of meaning.
Key words: the Quran, common recitation, uncommon recitations, Qur’anic principles of Imamites, the Qur’an Commentary of Al-mizan, Allamah Tabatabai
The Role of the Ghurar(Selected) Verses in the Qur’an Commentary of Al-mizan with Emphasis on the Verses of 82 and 83 of Surat YaSin
Ali Hajikhani/Kavus Rohi Barandagh / Mohammad Asanjarani
Allamah Tabatabai makes use of Qur’anic verses in his Commentary of Al-mizan to interpret other verses. In the beginning of this commentary we find references to Selected Verses and these Qur’anic verses can be used for the interpretation of many other verses, even key verses, which contributes to understanding many narrations. Allamah makes extensive use of this kind of verses for interpreting other verses. Using a documental method in gathering the information, analyzing and in the description, the paper which investigates the verses 82 and 83 of Surat YaSin( as a sample for the Selected Verses) shows that Allamah makes extensive use of the concepts of these two verses to interpret other relevant verses, concerned with the knowledge about God’s actions, especially the question of command. In reality, he considers these two verses as a base and interprets other relevant verses on the basis of these two verses.
Key words: Selected Verses (Ghurar al-ayat), Surat YaSin, interpretation of the Quran through the Qur’an, Al-mizan, Allamah Tabatabai.
Analysis of the Concept of Crisis in Quranic Discourse
Hossein Mohammadi Sirat / Mohsen Ghasempour
"Social crisis" is a modern concept developed in contemporary literature of social sciences, for which no exact equivalent can be found in the Holy Quran. Therefore, in order to achieve its Quranic definition, we looked for and analyzed the Quranic words that are equivalent and relevant to the concept of crisis. The Quranic equivalents were chosen based on two criteria: common semantic area and similar exterior examples. This approach is a kind of Izutsuian meaning in order to understand the concepts of the Holy Quran. Twelve words were extracted which were explained in a conceptual analysis , compared with the conventional meaning of social crisis and explained in four-fold logical relations. The analysis showed that social crisis is not desirable; therefore, passive confrontation with it is not acceptable. In a dynamic and active perspective, social crisis in nature is a creation of human society and a divine tradition; crisis is regarded as a definite test which is not unexpected. Believers regard dealing with crisis as an opportunity to grow. Crisis is a two-fold concept, which means both opportunity and threat. The Quranic management of social crisis is a proactive approach.
Key words: the Holy Quran, crisis, sedition, hardship, distress, constriction.
A Review and Evaluation of the Factor of Length in Chronology of the Quran with an Emphasis on Blasher’s Research
Soqra Lakzaie – Ja’far Nekoonam
Research carried out by Blasher on the chronology of the Quran shows that, like the other orientalists, Blasher has not taken into account the traditions about the order of revelation. Based on stylistics' indicators, such as length of the verses and chapters, he has classified the chapters of the Quran into four periods: three Meccan periods and one Medinite period. His assumption is that over the course of the prophetic mission, the verses and chapters were lengthened. Naturally, an important question that arises is that what justification and reason did Blasher have for using these criteria in chronology, and basically to what extent is this method scientifically valid and effective? Using a descriptive approach, this study reviewed the factor of length in chronology of the Quran with an emphasis on Blasher’s research; at the end, exceptions were found that questioned the validity of the length index in chronology.
Key words: index of length, chronology of the Quran, classification of Blasher, Meccan and Medinite, classification of verses.
A Critique of the Definitions of the Phrase "al-Vojuh wa-al-Nazair”
Zeinab shishechi-Elahe Shahpasand
No definition of the phrase "al-Vojuh wa-al-Nazair” is found in the oldest works written on this subject. The first definition was provided by Ibn-e- Jozie and after him, other definitions were proposed. In addition to internal discrepancies, these definitions are not consistent with examples of "al-Vojuh wa-al-Nazair” provided in relevant books. The problem of differences in definitions and examples is also observed in the sources of Quranic sciences. The purpose of this article is to examine the differences in definitions and to discover the most appropriate definition. In this documentary research, a descriptive -analytical approach was used. The paper conducted a comparative analysis of presented examples and definitions, reviewed different definitions and concluded that “Vojuh” are the different meanings of a word and “Naza’er” are similar words which have different meanings in different verses. As a result, the definition of Ibn-e- Jozie is consistent with the examples of the antecedents and is, therefore, the most appropriate definition.By paying attention to the examples of "al-Vojuh wa-al-Nazair” in the antecedents’ books, it becomes obvious that “Naza’er” implies both the similarity of terms and the similarity of their meanings, but this stipulation is not mentioned in any of the definitions.
Key words: "al-Vojuh wa-al-Nazair”, univocal words, idiomatic definition.