معرفت، سال بیست و پنجم، شماره نهم، پیاپی 228، آذر 1395، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
    متن کامل مقاله: 

    The True Shiites and Enthusiasm for Meeting the Worshipped (2)

    Ayatollah Allameh Mohammad Taqi Misbah


    This text is a commentary on the words of Imam Ali (PBUH) about the attributes of the true Shiites. Enthusiasm for meeting God is one of the attributes of the true Shiites .It is inferred from the verses and traditions that this wish is realized in the second world. However, the Infallible Imams and special Friends of God who have a voluntary death can meet the divine countenance in the Hereafter. One of the ways of meeting God is that, in addition to believing in meeting the divine countenance and the limited heavenly blessings, we should also focus our attention to them. We should not have any attachment to the worldly pleasures and always keep remembrance of God alive in our hearts; with love of God, attachments will automatically decrease, i.e. belief in eternality of the rewards of the Hereafter is another way to get the meeting. Renunciation of the forbidden deeds and intimate prayers to God and His Friends prepare the ground for meeting the divine countenance.

    Key words: Hereafter, enthusiasm for meeting the Worshipped, Friends of God.

    Rational Educational Methods in Sahife Sajjadieh

    Fatemeh Iranmanesh- Abbas Ali Rostami Nasab


    Education deals with man’s growth, perfection and decent life. Since human is a complex beings, his education, as well, is complicated and implies taking advantage of many preliminary preparations and effective educational methods. Therefore, in order to organize the education, rich and valuable resources such as the holy Quran should be utilized. In addition, for the dissemination and propagation of education, one should seek the ideas of the Friends of God and the infallible Imams about proper educational methods. Efficient use of such opinions can be a guarantee for man’s growth, perfection, happiness and salvation. This study seeks to examine and explain the educational methods based on developing intellectually in " Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya ".  This study is a theoretical literature review in which the analytical-descriptive method is used. The results show that "Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya" attaches extraordinary importance to human and, therefore, introduces reliable educational programs and methods for training humans and their happiness and salvation. Applying these methods leads man towards true felicity. In this regard, some rational training methods, including purification, teaching wisdom, observation, taking lessons, experimenting, questions and answers have been extracted from the book " Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya ".

    Key words: Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya, status of human, rational education, educational methods.

    The Educational Impacts of Weeping on the Spiritual Development of Man from the Perspective of the Quran and Hadith

    Mohammad Taqi Hosseini - Seyed Mohammad Reza Mousavi Nasab


    Weeping is a subject that has been investigated from different psychological, educational, religious, moral and mystical dimensions. Using descriptive-analytical method, the present paper seeks to study the educational impacts of weeping on the spiritual development of man from the perspective of the Quran and hadiths and explain the relationship among weeping, moral education and spiritual development of man. As a response to man's inner feelings and emotions, weeping can influence the psychological, educational, spiritual and ethical aspects of man. The most basic impact of weeping especially over the spiritual matters is peace and tranquility; after crying, the internal pressures are discharged and a pleasant feeling of lightheartedness and calm is experienced. Moreover, weeping brings cheerfulness and hope to man, enhances his motivation, and is a weapon against the internal Satan in man. On the other hand, it washes away man’s sins , sends down Divine  mercy , assists man in  eliminating some  moral vices and gaining some virtues and eventually helps him achieve nearness to God.

    Key words: education, weeping, tears, educational effect of crying, spiritual effect of crying, spiritual development.

    Blood Vengeance in Islam and its Educational Dimensions

    Maryam Ashouri- Mohsen Khushnamvand


    Blood vengeance and reviewing its components is a controversial topic in domestic and foreign circles. Diversity of viewpoints and multiplicity of approaches to this issue have led to differing views and opinions in this regard. Using descriptive-analytical method and referring to the Quran and religious sources, the present paper seeks to explain the importance, status and need for blood vengeance in Islam. The results indicate that blood vengeance in Islam is an intellectual, moral and social practice and its philosophy or foundation is based on the establishment of individual and social justice. Presenting some educational principles (justice, honor, etc.) and educational methods (proportion between crime and punishment, concealing defects, etc.), this study deals with the necessity of blood vengeance in Islam.

    Key words: blood vengeance, Islam, justice, honor, social life.

    A Comparative Study on the Philosophical Foundations of the Educational Thoughts of Farabi and Ghazali

    Mohammed Fooladi-  Kyumarth Heidarian


    The purpose of education and how should man, who is the final product of education, be, has always been a controversial and important issue which has affected many educational doctrines. Using descriptive- analytical method, the present paper reviews the philosophical foundations of the educational thoughts of Farabi and Ghazali. Farabi’s ontological principles depict God as the Universal Intellect, the Necessary Existent and the creator of world and its order and coordination. In his view, in order to achieve this epistemological goal, different forms of knowledge must be considered. In Farabi's axiological system, man aims for happiness, and to this end, he needs to know the factors of correct behavior. Through education, all the existential capacities of man should develop. In his ontology, Ghazali believes in theocentrism and teleology. In epistemology, man, through his reason and senses, gains knowledge by the ordinary education in schools. He notes moral education and regards realization of human happiness as the philosophical basis of education.


    Key words:  Farabi, Ghazali, ontology, epistemology, axiology.

    An Analysis of the Educational Ideas of Allamah Iqbal Lahuri

    Akbar Rahnema, Mohsen farmahini farahani, Sayyed abdolkarim Mishkuti Trojeni


    Allamah Mohammad Iqbal Lahuri, one of the luminaries of the East and the Muslim world, tried to form his reformist, informative and guiding ideas based on the teachings of the manifest religion Islam. His works include various topics including "education and training". The main feature of Iqbal’s educational ideas is that in addition to being Islamic, they are based on a specific philosophical concept named “selfhood” meaning perfect man; he has also elaborated at length on the axiological and ethical development of “selfhood”. According to this view, one should first pay attention to himself/herself and appreciate his/her value, then he can attend to other issues. This selfhood can be the benchmark for the good and bad deeds of man. Using descriptive-analytical method, this theoretical research attempts to evaluate and analyze the most important objectives and methods of education from the viewpoint of Allamah Iqbal Lahuri.

    Key words: education, Iqbal Lahuri, selfhood, objectives and methods of education.

    The Attitudinal Factors of Spouses’ Compatibility from the Perspective of the Quran

    Hamid Vahidian Ardakan


    Family life and marital relations, which constitute a major part of the social relations, are among the most important aspects of human life. One of the most important ideas in marital relations is harmony, empathy, or avoiding tensions that is referred to as compatibility. Spouses, who live in compatible families, feel more satisfaction and security and experience less anxiety and psychological problems. In such families, the emotional and spiritual needs of children are well fulfilled and their social life skills are well developed. This reflects the unique role of strengthened family foundations in community. These families, in fact, train active, effective and ideal forces for the community. Living a compatible marital life depends on observation of some rules in life. In this study, we seek to discover the Qoranic viewpoint in this regard. Given the importance of family in the Quran, this Book provides spouses with some recommendations for building a peaceful and quiet life away from all tensions. Among such recommendations, the attitudinal factors are discussed in this paper. Using descriptive- analytical method and the interpretational hadiths, this paper investigates the attitudinal factors of compatibility from the viewpoint of the Holy Quran. Faith, piety, hope for improved conditions, modesty and reformism can be considered as the attitudinal factors of compatibility from the perspective of the Quran.

    Key words: compatibility, spouses, attitudinal, the Quran, faith, piety, reformism.

    The Concept of Religion in Traditionalism and its Implications for the Field of Religious Education

    Babak Shamshiri, Shima Naghibi


    Today, religion and religious education has turned into an important and controversial issue. In this regard, many scholars and philosophical schools of thought have increasingly inclined towards religion and spirituality. Traditionalism is one of these schools of thought. Traditionalists regard "spiritual crisis" as one of the major cultural features of the new era of modernity , which results from the loss of its traditional sources i.e. religion. Using inferential analysis, the present paper tries to discuss the concept of religion in traditionalism and the relationship between religion and tradition and to consider its educational implications for the field of religious education. It first uses reliable sources to extract the views and thoughts of traditionalists about religion and then, through an eclectic approach, summarizes and integrates those viewpoints and processes the specific concepts in religious education. The most important finding of the research shows that according to traditionalists, religion has the ability to influence all the aspects of human life. They emphasis on the rational defense of religion and regard modernism as the direct cause of weakened religiosity. Accordingly, they believe that the best way to confront this challenge is a deep and thorough knowledge of the modern world based on a rational approach. The Quran and Hadith are the two integrated springs of Islamic tradition and the teachings of these two eternal sources are the key to guidance, nearness to God and happiness in both worlds.

    Key words: tradition, traditionalism, religion, religious education.

    The Criteria for Selection of Educational Content from the Perspective of the Holy Quran

    Sayyed Hamid Reza Alawi, Mogde Alizadeh


    Educational content, which is considered a key element in any curriculum, should be selected and extracted from reliable sources based on a set of appropriate criteria. Therefore, deriving the criteria for selection of educational content from the Quran, the safest and most stable divine source for content selection, is one of the most important and most urgent issues that require taking the necessary steps. Therefore, the present study seeks to "identify the criteria for selection of educational content from the perspective of the Qur'an". In order to achieve the above objective, the descriptive- analytical method and documentary sources are used. The research results show that numerous criteria can be extracted from the holy Quran eight of which are dealt with in this paper: guidance, contemplation, fostering creativity, motivation, attention to various aspects of human existence, activation and active participation of the audience in the context, application in life and self-teaching.

    Key words: the Quran, content, education, criterion, curriculum, textbooks, student.

    Students’ Evaluation of the Islamic Ethics Syllabus Followed at Universities

    Saif Allah Fazlallahi


    The present study seeks to evaluate students viewpoints about the Islamic ethics syllabus covered at universities. The research method was descriptive survey and the statistical population consisted of 273 Islamic Azad University of Qom BA students who passed the Islamic ethics course in the second semester at 1393-1394. The research findings showed that 1. The needs considered in defining the objectives of the Islamic ethics course at universities cover the individual and social needs of an Islamic community to an average degree and the objectives and needs considered in this course slightly overlap. 2. Teaching and learning methods used in teaching Islamic ethics are not very consistent with the course objectives in cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels. 3. Evaluation methods used for assessing the students' progress in Islamic ethics are not in line with the objectives of the course at the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels. 4. Students’ access to the objectives of the course at the cognitive, emotional and behavioral levels is not satisfactory; it is concluded from the results that increasing the efficacy of the Islamic ethics course at universities requires a syllabus based on a realistic need analysis, an integrative problem-oriented and goal-oriented approach and the upgradation of the professional skills of the lecturers.

    Key words: syllabus followed, Islamic ethics, evaluation, students.

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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1395) ABSTRACTS. فصلنامه معرفت، 25(9)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."ABSTRACTS". فصلنامه معرفت، 25، 9، 1395، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1395) 'ABSTRACTS'، فصلنامه معرفت، 25(9), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). ABSTRACTS. معرفت، 25, 1395؛ 25(9): -