معرفت، سال بیست و ششم، شماره چهارم، پیاپی 235، تیر 1396، صفحات -


    نوع مقاله: 
    Article data in English (انگلیسی)
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    Real Shiah`s Nightly Schedule

    Allameh Mohammad Taqi Mesbah


    In the later part of his his sermon, Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) points out the features of the pious and real Shiahs and notifies the day plan and the night plan of those pious men. Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) describes the night plan as follows: ((They awake in the middle of the night and recite the holy Quran in peace profoundly. They get advice from the holy Quran and solve their problems with it. This is how they spend their nights and they also pray for a while. While crying they worship the great God and they resort to God from hell and weep. This is how they spend their night.))

    Key words: the Shiah, the Quran, worshiping, pondering the Quran.

    The Position of Zeid Ibn-Ali in Quranic Sciences and Quran Commentary

    Ali Osat Bagheri


    Using a descriptive-analytic method and recognizing Quranic works of Zeid Ibn-Ali, the current paper seeks to expound his position in Quranic sciences and commentary. Using Halif al-Quran as an attribute for him is an indication that he is intensely ties with Quran. Zeid was famous due to his recitation of Quran and some have collected his works in a book. His ((Madkhal Ila Quran and Tafsir Li Mawadi` Mokhtarah Minh)) includes preliminary discussions necessary for interpretation and the interpretation of some verses. It is likely that he composed the interpretation of Fatiha verse and some of the Quran verses while he was imprisoned in Koufa for five months. Also it is likely that his (Al Rad Ala al-Qadariyeh min Quran) is the same as (Al Rad al al-Mojarrabah) that is published in his collection of nooks and reports. Based on the verses of Quran, Zeid wrote (Al-Saffwah) in order to prove the superiority of Ahl al-Bayt and he proved why there is the lack of legitimacy of the majority from the view point of Quran in his (al-Ghala`a and Aksara). If confirmed that it is his, the (Gharib al-Quran) interpretation is the first interpretation in Gharib al-Quran.

    Key words: Quran sciences, Quran commentary, Gharib al-Quran, Zeid Ibn-Ali, Zeidiyyah, Qadarriyeh.

    The Conventional Property of Quranic Language

    Hamid Arian


    The conventional property of Quranic language is one of the most remarkable theories in Quranic Language. Using a rational-analytical method and due to the restrictions of the custom language, the present study analyzes this theory. The findings show that the following three perceptions from Quran are rejected and incompatible with the attributes of Quran: 1. Custom (as harmony of Quran with the audience) 2. Custom (as revelation at the level of people`s understanding) 3. Custom (as revelation based on untrue examples). However, if the custom of Quranic language benefits from the principles and attributes of the audience`s language, it is a defendable issue. The language of Quran is custom when expressing the practical principles. Specially under the conditions that there is no negligence, conflict and weakness in the level of the concepts but not in all the verses. Using trope, allusion and metaphor doesn’t make the language of Quran custom. Speaking with the language of the ordinary people in revelation does not mean that the culture of that era is reflected in Quran, it means that historical, geographical and cultural incidents of the society at the time of revelation is reflected freely and based on a true refinement.

    Key words: the language of religion, the language of Quran, conventional language, technical language, the language of people, the culture of the society in Quran.

    A Glance at Noldeke`s Theory about the Adaptation of the Quran

    Hassan Rezaei Haftadar / Safar Nasirian


    One of the orientalists who researched about the originality of Quran is Theodore Noldeke. Using a descriptive-analytic method and a critical approach this paper attempts to analyze his theory about the adaptation of Quran. He believes that the prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h) has achieved most of the teachings of Quran by communicating with other religions and cultures. In the theory of the adaptation of Quran, Nodelke believes that Judaism has the most share of efficiency, then Christianity and finally the culture of barbarism. He brings two reasons for the theory of adaptation of Quran based on Jewish-Christian sources; first, the similarity of Quran to the holy scripts of Jewish-Christian and second, the relationship between the prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h) with the followers of Judaism-Christianity. He has found some similarities between the culture of barbarism and Quran namely; the prophet was polite towards the barbarism. Noldeke`s reasoning about the adaptation of Quran are rejected; because first, there is no significant similarity between Quran and the scripts of Judaism and Christianity and the culture of barbarism. Second, the very claim that the prophet has had scientific relationship with the followers of Judaism and Christianity and his adaptability with the culture of barbarism is out of question.

    Key words: Noldeke, adaptation of Quran, the prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h), Jews, Christianity, barbarism.

    Using the Verb and Pronoun of the First Person Plural Referring to the Unique God in the Quran

    Mohammad Naghib Zadeh


    In the holy Quran, emphasizing on his own absolute unity, God has used first person plural to describe himself and on the other hand he has used first person singular verb or pronoun. This article seeks to expound the main reason for this. Exploring the verses related to this matter one can realize that most of the cases that the plural first person pronoun has been used were with the purpose of showing the greatness of the speaker or the action; cases like: tormenting past tribes, God`s assistance to prophets and also saving the Muslim tribes, the verses of creation, sending holy books and revealing books and orders and prohibitions. In common usages of singular first person pronoun God`s grace is for the servants, such as accepting the prayer, condonation, God`s tip for servants, mutual relationship between God and servants. In this regard, the favors used in the verses, from absence to utterance and plural first person to singular and vice versa, are all justifiable. Using a descriptive-analytic method and studying the holy Quran and its commentaries, this study has been done.

    Key words: the Quran, God, pronouns, first person singular, first person plural.     

    The Aims and Objectives of Omitting the Main Clause of Some Conditional Sentences in the Holy Quran

    Esmaiel Soltani Beirami / Maryam Shamkhani


    There are two main pillars in conditional sentences; condition and condition answer. Meaningfully, they are compatible with each other. Sometimes the pillar of the condition answer is eliminated in these examples so that we need to refer to the wisdom of that to perfect the meaning. On the count of fluency and eloquence the omitted word must implied on the eliminating word so that the sentences are not perplexed. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the present study seeks to analyze the markers and eliminating wisdoms of condition answer in the Holy Quran. Some of the markers of eliminating the condition answer include; the clarity of the answer, the repetition of the answer in previous verses, the implication of the sentence on the eliminating factor, the existence of teaching and implying the position. Some of the wisdoms of the condition answer could be; expressing the magnificence, Tahvil, the sign of ugliness of the eliminating factor, expressing the awesomeness.

    Key words: condition, the main clause of a conditional sentence, aims and objectives of omittion.     

    Remembrance of Divine Favor in the Holy Quran and Orientation of Human Insight

    Maryam Qorbani / Mostafa Karimi


    The Holy Quran has been descended by God as the last afflatus to lead human to the infinite prosperity. In order to lead the man, holy Quran has used various methods. Remembering the worldly and hereafter assets is one of these methods. Remembering assets can be effective through different paths in leading the man. One of these paths is man`s attitude. The question here is set forth that from the view point of Quran, how remembering the assets leads the man. The current study attempts to find answers to this question. This article aims at preparing an appropriate ground to use the remembering the assets in leading the man by the leaders of a community as a method. Through a documentary method and taking notes and using reliable interpretations and data processing by a descriptive-analytic method and substantial commentary, this study has been done. The findings show that through reforming the belief in the existence of God, believe in God`s goodness, reforming the belief in transcendental goals, values, world and piety, remembering the assets has great influence of man`s attitude.

    Key words: the Quran, guidance, remembrance of divine favor, man`s vision, belief in God and his beneficence, human values, piety.

    The Interpretation of Slaying the Self in the Verse 54 Surah Baqarah

    Karim Siavoshi / Ramezan Ali Bigdeli


    There are various views about the meaning of the 54th Quranic verse of (Baqarah) chapter, including; calf worshippers suicide, their being slain by the true believers, their slaying one another, the readiness for death without trial, slaying self on the count of depriving them from sexual desires and compelling them to do the obligations. Therefore, having a comprehensive understanding of this verse is a need. In the current study the views of old and contemporary interpreters and Quranic scientist are investigated. Using an analytic method and a narrative interpretation and considering then story of the calf in Torah the concepts of ((slaying themselves)) and ((slaying some or all the worshippers by either themselves or one another at the hands of true believers)) are reviewed.


    Key words: problematic verses, ((slaying yourself)), slaying the self, calf worship, calf worshippers` suicide.

    Imam Ali (peace be upon him), The Grounds and Factors behind the Exclusion and Oppression with a Quranic and Historical Approach

    Hossein Abdolmohammadi


    Using a descriptive-analytic method and a Quranic and historical approach, the fields and factors of emergency of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) after the demise of the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) until the martyrdom of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) has been explored. The factors of the emergencies of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) include: lack of clairvoyance among the new Muslims, negligence of true people, disobeying the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) due to the Ijtihads they had towards his orders. Some of the factors of emergency of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) include: Amulean hypocritical movement that fought with the prophet of Islam (peace be upon him) until the eights year, the malice of some Muslims due to the slaughter of some of their relatives by Imam Ali (peace be upon him) at the beginning of Islam, tribal jealousy and prejudice, worldliness of some of the companions who considered Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as the reason that prevents them from getting their worldly needs.


    Key words: Imam Ali (peace be upon him), the grounds of exclusion, the factors of exclusion, oppression, hypocritical movement.

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    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1396) ABSTRACTS. فصلنامه معرفت، 26(4)، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده)."ABSTRACTS". فصلنامه معرفت، 26، 4، 1396، -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده).(1396) 'ABSTRACTS'، فصلنامه معرفت، 26(4), pp. -


    (نویسنده تعیین نشده). ABSTRACTS. معرفت، 26, 1396؛ 26(4): -